Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Present: Bruce Adams, Tracey-Alexis Dixon, Alicia Hannon, Michael Mills, Joy West, Sabrina Hsu, Matthew Lee, Clemmie Solomon, Roman A. Santillan, Nick Arrindell.
Excused: NanQiao, Mumin Barre, Yasin Yimam, Jeannette Noltenius
Absent: Lorna Forde
Staff: Arwa Khadr
The meeting via Zoom was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair, Tracey-Alexis Dixon.
On a motion by Clemmie Solomon, seconded by Alicia Hannnon, the agenda was
On a motion by Joy West, seconded by Sabrina Hsu, the minutes of the March meeting minutes were approved.
Treasurer reported presented by Treasurer Roman A. Santillan.
On a motion by Alicia, seconded by Dr. Mills, the Treasurer's report was accepted.
Mumin picked up a check from the OCP office to deposit into the MSC account.
The board brainstormed ideas for the use the grant money before the end of this FY.
Possible events: Nick suggested the concept of peace by planning a Walk for Peace event.
● Invite voter education staff. ● Walk in peace to bring all humanity together. ▪ Film production for Afghan or Ukrainian refugees. ▪ Send the money to Ethiopia (?) ▪ Update MSC brochures. ▪ Work on marketing stuff to to showcase MSC work to several community groups.
Picnic; Public Park.
Tracey and Bruce will meet to structure this idea.
A call for everyone to volunteer.
Have Ethiopian dancers for Sister City Night.
Bruce will work with the Salvadorian community
Invite Baseball fans.
Sabria and Nick will help with the picnic
Sister City Committee Reports
● Morazan: No updates.
● Gondar:
A request for a video recording in support of MSC-Gondar's 10th anniversary will be sent to the CE and Diane Vu.
● X'ian:
No updates except presentation at online registration.
April 27, 2022 8:00 pm online meeting.
Will report back after the event.
Everyone should register: your name, email, and phone. You will receive the link.
There is 12 hours’ time difference.
Alicia and Joy will attend on April 28, 2022.
An email was sent asking if MSC wants to be included in the UCLG ASPAC Tourism
Committee. They need a response by May 15, 2022. Tracey will forward it to Sabrina for
further review to decide if MSC should be apart of the committee.
● Daejeon:
Mathew discussed a potential visit from the current mayor of Daejon. Mumin suggested a zoom meeting with the mayor and CE. Matthew reported that the Mayor has resigned and therefore there is no need to schedule a meeting.
● Hyderabad: No updates.
The meeting ended at 7:00 p.m.
NEXT ZOOM: May 24, 2022 at 6:00PM
Respectfully submitted,
Arwa Khadr ElBoraei, OCP