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June 17, 2010 Board Meeting

June 17, 2010 Board Meeting

Montgomery Sister Cities Board Minutes for June 17, 2010

Attendees: Bill Hudnut, Bruce Adams, Bill Nance, Dianne Smith, Evelyn Gonzalez, Don Mooers (by phone), Adrienne VanLare

The meeting was led by Bill Hudnut, Chair. The April meeting minutes were approved.

Harold McDougall presented his history with international programs which were wide ranging throughout the world. He made remarks on Caribbean countries including Jamaica and Barbados explaining the political and social dynamics in those countries. Harold gave specific examples of the import of the Fullbright Fellowship program which seemed to fit into some possibilities for El Salvador and other communities where county sister cities may partner. He provided a definition of sustainability which goes well beyond environmentally sound planning for communities. Harold has a number of ideas for aiding Haiti which include functions similar to what the county of Community Partnerships provides for its constituency. The next boardmember to report international experience will be Bill Nance who has lived in Mongolia, consulted in Africa and most recently on the West Bank in the Middle East.

The main part of the meeting was devoted to planning for the upcoming El Salvador trip. Mier was instructed to contact Karla Silvestre about security in San Salvador, and to locate someone within the American embassy in El Salvador with whom to coordinate the trip, Don Mooers will see if he can locate peace corps workers in Morazan. Bruce wondered given the number of delegates on this trip if they should be divided into two groups when visiting projects or programs in Morazan. The delegates will meet in an orientation session either Monday July 5 at 1:00 p.m. in the Town Hall at the Lawton Center in Chevy Chase or for those who can’t make it, Friday July 9 at Evelyn Gonzalez’ home.

Mier gave an update on Beit Shemesh. A group of environmentalists from there recently visited the county. Mier helped coordinate the visit through county EPA. The visitors among other things toured the county recycling facility and met at Bethesda Green to hear about entrepreneurial environmentalism theories.

Sister Cities will do formal fund raising in the fall after the EI Salvador trip. For now, Bill Hudnut will ask each board member to contribute $100 to county sister cities. The first $750 of contributions will be paid to Mier to compensate his paying for sister cities to be incorporated in Maryland and to obtain 501(c)(3) non-profit tax status. Adrienne Van Lare will help Mier identify a bank for sister cities to use.

Evelyn Gonzalez-Mills

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